Five things I learnt starting a pattern design business

Brooke Mackie

Are you thinking about starting your own surface pattern design business but don't know where to begin?
Here are the top 5 things I've learned while setting up my own business, Brooke Mackie Designs.

Lesson One - Mindset

Mindset is so important.
 Believing in yourself and your dreams is a critical component of success. A positive mindset can help you overcome obstacles, take risks, and pursue your goals with passion and enthusiasm. To cultivate a positive mindset for starting a surface pattern design business, consider the following actions:

Refer to yourself as a surface pattern designer, even if you are just starting out. This can help you visualise yourself in the role and create a sense of identity and purpose.

Imagine what it would be like to be a surface pattern designer, including where you would live, what it would mean for your family and how you would spend your days. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Lesson Two - Write Down Goals

Spend time writing down goals and setting a road map.
Writing down your goals can help you clarify your ideas and set a clear path for achieving them. This can help you stay focused and motivated, especially during times of uncertainty or doubt. To set clear goals and create a roadmap for your surface pattern design business, consider the following actions:

Write down your biggest, most outlandish goal related to your surface pattern design business. This can help you identify your top priority and create a sense of urgency and excitement.

Break down your goal into smaller, actionable steps. This can help you create a roadmap for achieving your goal and ensure that you are making progress every day.

Use a calendar or planner to track your progress and mark off each day as you complete each small task. This can help you stay organised and motivated, and see the progress you are making.

Lesson Three - Connect and Learn

Connecting with people who have done it before is an investment in your success. There are many resources available online for learning surface pattern design, including free and paid courses taught by experts in the field. Taking advantage of these resources and learning from those who have already found success in the industry can help you avoid common mistakes and learn valuable skills that can accelerate your growth. Additionally, connecting with other aspiring surface pattern designers can provide a supportive community and a sounding board for ideas and challenges.


Search online for courses or resources in surface pattern design.

Consider investing in a paid course or workshop taught by an experienced surface pattern designer.

Join online communities or groups, such as the "Surface Pattern Design for Beginners" Facebook group, to connect with other creatives and learn from their experiences.

Lesson Four - Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to building a successful surface pattern design business. It will take time to build a client base and generate revenue, but by consistently creating and sharing your designs, you can establish a strong brand and reputation. Dedicate time each day to work on your business, even if it's just a small task, and track your progress to stay motivated.


Schedule dedicated time each day to work on your business, even if it's just 15 minutes. Put a calendar or planner with your goals and action steps in an obvious place, to track your progress and celebrate small wins. Make a big deal out of sticking to your consistent plan for 30 days and reward yourself at the end of it! Go out for dinner, go for a walk, or book a massage.

Lesson Five - Community

Growing a community around your business is essential for success. By connecting with other creatives and building a network of supporters and potential clients, you can increase your visibility and grow your business. Joining online communities or creating your own can provide a space for sharing ideas, receiving feedback, and collaborating with others.


Join online communities or groups related to surface pattern design or your specific niche. Look up surface pattern designers in your city, or host events or workshops to connect with others in your local area or niche.

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